Pace Note Books

JDRallysport - Pace Note Books



These books are not as deep as A4 but the same width.

This makes the book better to handle in the car.

Less weight for the co-driver to hold steady.

Easier to stow into the co-drivers bag.

As it is much better to write in larger than normal size writing, all the ruling on the pages is extra wide.

This makes reading the notes back a lot easier particularly on a rougher event and it always looks neater.

Most co-drivers try not to write any more than four instructions per line.

Otherwise the page begins to look cluttered and it's obviously much harder to read.

The book is made from higher quality materials than normal notebooks.

The pages are heavier weight paper. The back cover is hard coated cardboard which allows the co-driver to lean on it without any further support while writing.

The binding is a large diameter stainless steel binder which can be unwound in order to sort the pages. Sadly now that the price of steel has gone to the heaven I have had to use plastic binders, but they still do the same job. These were not available 15 years ago!

Usually PRICE is what determines the sort of book a co-driver will use.

But as with everything if you want the best results then you need the best equipment!

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