PNB Page

If you experiment with your positioning, you will soon sort it out.

Of course your handwriting may not be as neat as this when you are travelling over a bumpy track, but you can still get the general effect.

Tool Tips

Some tips on the tools to use to write your notes.

A good quality HB pencil and have a number of them or a couple of the retractable Staedler Mars 780 type.

This is a propelling pencil that can be easily operated while making notes, which is important so you don’t miss that vital information while writing.

The big advantage with this type of pencil is that it uses a thick lead refill so, when making notes on a rough surface, it will not break off.

It also draws a thicker line on the page, making it far easier to read.

The lead for these pencils is easily replaced and with the use of the JDRallyspot Pace Note Books an HB grade of pencil will give a much better result.

Also a quality rubber is essential a Staedler Mars Plastic rubber will rub things out completely and not leave smudges on the page.

JDRallysport - Pace Note Books

This is a sample of how you can align your writing with the lines printed on the page.

By mixing up the size and position of the words you can make things stand out from one another.